Auntie’s Day

On this beautiful Veteran’s Day, we also have the pleasure of celebrating Carol McCollister’s birthday! We always have a wonderful time together, no matter what we’re doing. Here, Auntie, Mum and I enjoyed a fun girls’ day  in the wine country (with Tio in tow) when Mum was visiting back in April.

Meg, Ann and Carol (Auntie) out in the wine country in April 2013.

Meg, Ann and Carol (Auntie) out in the wine country in April 2013.

Happy Birthday, Auntie. I hope Tio refrains from any surprises!

Congratulations Madam Councilwoman!

V is for VICTORY!

I’m proud to announce that my aunt, Sherry Mesle-Morain, just won a seat on the Lamoni City Council. Congratulations Aunt Sherry! You were an excellent candidate, and you will be an amazing councilwoman.


Big hugs and lots of love from your Chief “Team Sherry” Officer!